#سپندارمذگان, جشن زمین و گرامی داشت عشق است. در این روز زنان به شوهران خود با محبت هدیه می دادند. مردان نیز زنان و دختران را بر تخت شاهی نشانده، به آنها هدیه داده و از آنها اطاعت می کردند.
سپندارمذگان, روز عشق, روز مهر ورزی, روز بزرگداشت زن و زمین بر هم میهنان و به ویژه بر تمامی بانوان ایران زمین گرامی باد.
is the celebration day of Love, Friendship and Earth in ancient Persian culture.
According to Iranian tradition, the day of Sepandarmazgan was held in the Great Persian Empire in the 20th century BC .
Persians have a rich culture with many great feasts based on natural occasions that have been mixed up with happiness & joy.
In the feast of Sepandarmazgan, Earth was worshiped and women venerated. On this day, Women and girls sat on the throne and men and boys had to obey them and bring them presents and gifts. In this way, men were reminded to acclaim and respect women.
Sepandarmaz is another name for mainyu (earth) meaning Holy, Humble & Passionate.
Also Sepandarmaz is Earth Guardian Angel. It is the symbol of humbleness, it means modest toward the entire creation. These are the qualities attributed to Earth that spreads beneath our feet, thus the symbol of modesty and love.