A unique modern stylish photography is seen in the Select pictures album, some of brides and others of models often done before and at times during their wedding day. I use a team to assist with special lighting needs and create a high end select fashionable look that they love and also love in their wedding day pictures. At some weddings I`ve added a backdrop and studio lighting in a separate roo
m, something new, a stylish look with friends or alone that couples love. As a professional photojournalist having worked for photo agencies and then a wedding photographer.I feel a photographer must be trained to handle light and adapt quickly to situations as they arise but also to look for different moments to photograph and not just the usual cliched scenes one sees in all wedding pictures. The latest fad is to throw the background out of focus, and use soft light, in some cases the people have shadows under their eyes or are to dark looking. This is fine and sells but as a colleague and professional photographer said to me, it looks ok but I woudn`t to do it on almost every picture, it begins to look boring and weddings all look the same then. The picture should vary with whatever lens is used to give a natural look like you see in pictures al around the globe, in magazines and for fashion pictures, etc. I hope you like the pictures on my pages here and also visit my website, jacquephoto.com later. Let me know what you like for your wedding day picture and I will gladly adapt to your requests. After all these are your pictures for life and you should have them they way you like them to be.