
Kulturschöpfer Zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur, Berufsbildung sowie des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements zugunsten gemeinnütziger Zwecke. Was bieten wir an?

Anmeldung zu den Events: https://linktr.ee/kulturschoepfer Über uns – Weshalb/Warum Kulturschöpfer? Nicht nur wir als Verein sind Kulturschöpfer sondern Kulturschöpfer sind wir ALLE. Egal ob Maler(/in), Fotograf(/in), Finanzberater(/in), DJ, Mutter, Grafikdesigner(/in), Krankenschwester, Lehrer(/in) oder ITler. Wir alle haben Einfluss auf die Kultur dort wo wir uns befinden, sei es bei der Arbeit

, in unserer Familie oder im Freundeskreis ganz egal ob im Großen oder im Kleinen. (Zusammen können wir so einen positiven Einfluss auf unsere Gesellschaft und die Kultur um uns herum haben.) Wir bieten einen Raum für Ideen, Austausch, offene Gespräche, Treffen und Förderung aller Art. Einen Raum für ALLE! Durch verschiedene Angebote im Bereich Kunst, Kultur und Beruf soll das ganz praktisch geschehen: z.B. im Rahmen von Konzerten, Lesungen, Ausstellungen, Kochkursen, Stammtischen, Kursen in Business-Englisch, Finanzhilfen für Startups, einem schwarzen Brett für Netzwerke und Vereine in Friedrichshain, Kulturabenden/Diskussionen/Gesprächen, sonstiger Förderung der Gemeinschaft oder der Unterstützung anderer Vereine in Friedrichshain usw. Falls Du weitere Ideen hast oder selbst Aktivitäten anbieten möchtest, freuen wir uns wenn Du Dich bei uns meldest! Zur Zeit arbeiten wir an unserem Kalender für den Herbst/Winter, schaue also gerne mal wieder rein. CoWorking/Gemeinschaftsbüro:

Wir haben schöne Räumlichkeiten hier in der Grünberger Straße gefunden, aber wir haben mehr Platz als was wir brauchen. Wir haben über 200qm und den möchten wir gerne mit Euch teilen. Du bekommst hier aber nicht nur einen Schreibtisch sondern darüber hinaus noch viel mehr! Es soll ein ganz besonderer Ort entstehen, bei dem sich jeder selbst einbringen kann. Angefangen bei den Möbeln, die wir aus Holz alle selbst gebaut haben. Uns ist es wichtig eine bunte Mischung von Arbeitsbereichen vertreten zu haben, bei denen wir uns alle gegenseitig ergänzen können. In unseren Augen hat jeder Arbeitsbereich seinen ganz eigenen Wert und wir bieten einen Raum diesen Wert zu entfalten. Du kannst hier professionell arbeiten und Dich dennoch wie Zuhause fühlen. Mehr Infos zum CoWorking/Gemeinschaftsbüro



Are you looking for a studio or a team office? We have what you have been looking for!

In our cozy coworking space of 380sqm, we have available for rent 1 Studio. It is 14sqm and it costs 781,88€/month, incl. Ust. The studio faces Kadiner Str. and it is located in a separate apartment and not in the main area of our cultural center.

The monthly rent includes all taxes, and services & utilities: access 24/7, WiFi, electricity and heating costs, coffee/tea/water, business address & mail service, printers, fully equipped kitchen, meeting rooms; use of our shared creative spaces (usage is not exclusive), such as the Workshop room, the Living Room, and the Gallery. These rooms can also be rented for special events at a discounted price.

In the same section of our center, we have 1 Team office free. It is 23sqm and the monthly price is 1.120€/month plus 19% USt. It can accommodate 4/5 4 desks.

If you have been looking for a unique and inspiring workplace in Berlin Friedrichshain that puts its community at the center, but did not find your soul mate yet, then Kulturschöpefer has what you have been waiting for!

Write us for more information and to plan a visit!

Suchst du ein Studio oder ein Teambüro? Wir haben das, wonach du gesucht hast!

In unserem gemütlichen Coworking Space von 380qm, haben wir 1 Studio zu vermieten. Es ist 14qm groß und kostet 781,88€/Monat, inkl. Ust. Das Studio liegt zur Kadiner Str. hin und befindet sich in einer separaten Wohnung (nur über den Flur) und nicht im Hauptbereich unseres Kulturzentrums.

In der monatlichen Miete sind alle Steuern, Dienstleistungen und Nebenkosten enthalten: Zugang rund um die Uhr, WiFi, Strom- und Heizkosten, Kaffee/Tee/Wasser, Geschäftsadresse und Postservice, Drucker, voll ausgestattete Küche, Besprechungsräume; Nutzung unserer gemeinsam genutzten Kreativräume (die Nutzung ist nicht exklusiv), wie z. B. des Workshopraums, des Wohnzimmers und der Galerie. Diese Räume können auch für besondere Veranstaltungen zu einem ermäßigten Preis gemietet werden.

Im gleichen Abschnitt unseres Zentrums haben wir 1 Teambüro frei. Es ist 23qm groß und kostet monatlich 1.120€/Monat plus 19% USt. Es bietet Platz für 4/5 4 Schreibtische.

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem einzigartigen und inspirierenden Workplace in Berlin Friedrichshain bist, der die Gemeinschaft in den Mittelpunkt stellt, aber noch nicht deinen Seelenverwandten gefunden hast, dann hat Kulturschöpefer das, worauf du gewartet hast!

Schreib uns für weitere Informationen und um einen Besuch zu planen!

Are you looking for a studio or a team office? We have what you have been looking for! In our cozy...,Atelier/Teambüro in einem cozy Coworking Space im Friedrichshain in Berlin - Friedrichshain

Become a part of Kulturschöpfer: Apply to the eighth round of our Training Program!!!**You like to get involved creative...

Become a part of Kulturschöpfer: Apply to the eighth round of our Training Program!!!**

You like to get involved creatively and love to work on projects together?
You would like to learn more about social, art and business topics?
You always wanted to work in an NGO?
Then you are the right person for our next 5 month Training Program starting on 15.05.2023! You can find more detailed information about the program on our website ([https://kulturschoepfer.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b5d73c2e436710d1b21f9015&id=39121474cc&e=d723f10a34](https://kulturschoepfer.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b5d73c2e436710d1b21f9015&id=39121474cc&e=d723f10a34 "‌")) . You can apply by FEBRUARY, 3rd 2023 and find the program in English on Indeed ([https://de.indeed.com/job/internship-cultural-ngo-kultursch%C3%B6pfer-ev-fmx-intern-cohort-8-70c920f702ccae14](https://de.indeed.com/job/internship-cultural-ngo-kultursch%C3%B6pfer-ev-fmx-intern-cohort-8-70c920f702ccae14 "smartCard-inline")). Please apply directly by filling in this online form ([https://form.jotform.com/201133604423036](https://form.jotform.com/201133604423036 "‌")). At Kulturschöpfer you can learn in a creative and encouraging environment, where you will find space for your ideas!
Our motto is to inspire one another, engage with one another and create culture together. Become part of Kulturschöpfer!

Im Zuge unserer Veranstaltung „Wir im Kiez“ in Kooperation mit den Warschauer Höfen inklusiv, bieten wir auch zwei Works...

Im Zuge unserer Veranstaltung „Wir im Kiez“ in Kooperation mit den Warschauer Höfen inklusiv, bieten wir auch zwei Workshops an :)

Donnerstag, 27.10.22 | 14:00-16:00

Zum ersten der inklusiven Workshops, bei dem alle die Möglichkeit bekommen erste Versuche des Häkelns und Strickens zu erproben laden wir euch herzlich ein teilzunehmen.

Sowohl für Rechts- als auch Linkshänder: innen geeignet.
Jeder ist willkommen, auch Kinder in Begleitung ihrer Eltern. Kommen Sie vorbei und machen Sie mit!

Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Die Materialien werden gestellt. :)
Wir freuen uns auf euch!!

VERNISSAGE - Wir im KiezBerlin, Friedrichshain, Warschauer Straße, Frankfurter Tor – unser Kiez!Was macht unseren Kiez a...

VERNISSAGE - Wir im Kiez

Berlin, Friedrichshain, Warschauer Straße, Frankfurter Tor – unser Kiez!

Was macht unseren Kiez aus? Wo sind wir am liebsten? Was wünschen wir uns direkt vor unserer Haustür? All diesen und weiteren Fragen stellten sich die Menschen des Tagesförderbereiches der Warschauer Höfe inklusiv. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein arbeitsassoziiertes Setting für Menschen mit einer kognitiven Beeinträchtigung und zusätzlich einer psychischen Erkrankung. Sie verarbeiteten ihre Ideen in verschiedenen künstlerischen Projekten. Daraus entwickelte sich ein kooperatives Ausstellungsprojekt, das einlädt die Umgebung rund um die Warschauer Straße, zwischen Frankfurter Tor und Oberbaumbrücke aus neuen Perspektiven zu betrachten. Ein Jahr lang entstanden utopische, futuristische sowie phantastische Gestaltungen in einem kunsttherapeutischen Rahmen: vom gefilzten Fernsehturm bis zur Kiezkarte; vom modernen Aschenputtel bis zur Umgestaltung des Frankfurter Tores.

Eine Ausstellung des Tagesförderbereichs der Warschauer Höfe inklusiv

ab Samstag, den 22. Oktober 2022

15-17 Uhr

Green Hill Gallery der Kulturschöpfer e.V.

Grünberger Straße 13

Berlin- Friedrichshain

Unfortunately we have to cancel tomorrow’s concert. We let you know if we will be able to have it at a different date in...

Unfortunately we have to cancel tomorrow’s concert. We let you know if we will be able to have it at a different date in the near future. Have a great weekend!

🙌Encuentro  #12The Encuentro de Artistas Latinoamericanos in Berlin is a meeting for latin american artsits based in Ber...

🙌Encuentro #12
The Encuentro de Artistas Latinoamericanos in Berlin is a meeting for latin american artsits based in Berlin and it is an occasion to meet, exchange and collaborate. It is host by Lujan Cordaro .

⏰Do not miss it on October 9th from 16:00 to 19:00 at the Green Hill Gallery in Grünbergerstr. 13.

🗣️For more info, please check here: https://fb.me/e/1ZBNlaW9I

🎵Kulturschöpfer is happy to invite you to the fifth event of the Living Room Concert Series! Join us on October 8, 2022,...

🎵Kulturschöpfer is happy to invite you to the fifth event of the Living Room Concert Series!

Join us on October 8, 2022, at 20:00 for the performance of Heike Duncker Trio, with Quentin Tolimieri at the piano, Daigo Nakai at the Kontrabass and Heike Duncker as Schlagzeug, Komposition.
Heike Duncker Trio is a Berlin based jazz group, headed by Heike Duncker, which aims to invite the audience into escaping along different musical borders between ethno and modern jazz.

⏰Doors will open at 19:30. The concert will start at 20:00.
🎫For tickets please check the link in our bio!

As part of this concert series, we will be inviting different musicians and artists from the Berlin area to perform their original music. Taking place monthly, members of our community can purchase a ticket to listen to the sounds of Berlin musicians in our comfortable living room.

🤘Theme of IN//BETWEEN  #8 !After working collaboratively for the past few weeks, our artists decided on the theme of the...

🤘Theme of IN//BETWEEN #8 !
After working collaboratively for the past few weeks, our artists decided on the theme of the residency project.
The artists of the IN//BETWEEN #8 now unveil the theme of the exhibition THIS FRIDAY🤩:

Remember Earth?

🐝It’s the year 3022 After Bees (a.B.) a collection of artifacts, fossils, sounds, and images of the past are exhibited here as remnants of a lost civilization on a planet called earth. Something strange happened; researchers conformed of several disciplines are working together in order to discover what provoked their massive extinction.

You want to find out what will happen in the After Bees (a.B.)? You want to know more about the artistic inspirations of the artists?
Then come and join us at the Vernissage on 23. September at 19:00!🙌

🎂SAVE THE DATE!!!!  Kulturschöpfer's 9th birthday is coming on FRIDAY 23.09, and on this merry occasion, we would like t...

Kulturschöpfer's 9th birthday is coming on FRIDAY 23.09, and on this merry occasion, we would like to celebrate it with our most cherished community.🥰

To celebrate the diversity of our community, we have organized a day full of activities. Starting from the afternoon, there will be art activities, the opening of the group exhibition In//Between #8 and a concert.

❗️Spoiler alert! these are the highlights of the day:
1) 15:30 Coffee & Cake in the Living Room
2) 16:00 – 18:30 "Watercolor activities for families, children, and adults," led by the illustrator and artist Lujan Cordaro
3) 19:00 Vernissage in the Green Hill Gallery of the group exhibition of the residency program In//Between #8
4) 20:00 - 21:00 Concert: “X Minor”, by Mischka Tomaníková

Starting from 19:00, Gorilla Cerveris Berlin a local brewery will be offering craft beer🍻

Participation is free but some donations are welcome.

👏This event is a collaboration with Lujan Cordaro, Gorilla Cerveceria Berlin and Mischka Tomaníková.

Invite your family, friends, collegaues, neighbors, ... Don't miss it!!🙌

Do you want to know more? Check our website for more information!

The Salon returns!🕙Join us on 15th September for another evening of art and discussion.🤔️What is The Salon, you may ask?...

The Salon returns!

🕙Join us on 15th September for another evening of art and discussion.

🤔️What is The Salon, you may ask?

The Salon is a meeting place for anyone interested in art and culture. Each month we create a space for free exchange and learning in the style of an art salon, where local Berlin artists are given a platform to share the decisions and processes behind their artistic projects, and where participants can explore a range of topics and concerns related to contemporary art practice.

Meet Yaoxi Wei  from China, one of the artists of IN//BETWEEN  #8, and get to know her thoughts about the residency:💬“As...

Meet Yaoxi Wei from China, one of the artists of IN//BETWEEN #8, and get to know her thoughts about the residency:

💬“As a new young artist, I hope to be inspired by communication with other artists to start my creative projects. I hope to cross borders and exchange with artists from all over the world, to understand each other's different cultures, to know more forms of art creation, to open my eyes, to re-examine myself and not to be limited to my own ideas and ways of creation.”

🕙The Vernissage of the exhibition is on 23rd September, be sure to mark the date in your calendar. More news about IN//BETWEEN #8 is still on the way, so don't miss out!

Meet Paula Nahmod  from Argentina, one of the artists of IN//BETWEEN  #8, and get to know her thoughts about the residen...

Meet Paula Nahmod from Argentina, one of the artists of IN//BETWEEN #8, and get to know her thoughts about the residency:

💬“I am interested in how we experiment movement nowadays due to the use of screens and mobile devices, which affects our perceptions of the reality.
Most of the time, moving around depends more and more on the displacement of the eye from screen to screen than of our bodies from place to place.
Do we choose where to stop our look or does it suffer from an erratic movement?”

🕙The Vernissage of the exhibition is on 23rd September, be sure to mark the date in your calendar. More news about IN//BETWEEN #8 is still on the way, so don't miss out!

Meet Emilea Finch  from the UK, one of the artists of IN//BETWEEN  #8, and get to know her thoughts about the residency:...

Meet Emilea Finch from the UK, one of the artists of IN//BETWEEN #8, and get to know her thoughts about the residency:

💬“I consider the prospect to collaborate with others on a project created as a collective to be an excitingly challenging endeavour. It’s something I haven’t done before and would be looking forward to working with people who bring many aspects of life to the table, giving the freedom to grow creatively and personally.”

🕙The Vernissage of the exhibition is on 23rd September, be sure to mark the date in your calendar. More news about IN//BETWEEN #8 is still on the way, so don't miss out!

Meet Caesár .bmp from the Netherlands, one of the artists of IN//BETWEEN  #8, and get to know his thoughts about the res...

Meet Caesár .bmp from the Netherlands, one of the artists of IN//BETWEEN #8, and get to know his thoughts about the residency:

💬“As happy as I am with the internet as a medium, I would love to be able to create something that the public could interact with in real life rather than a monitor. I will be very excited to step out of my comfort zone and create something with you and the other residents. I am excited to learn new ways of creating public art!”

🕙The Vernissage of the exhibition is on 23rd September, be sure to mark the date in your calendar. More news about IN//BETWEEN #8 is still on the way, so don't miss out!

🎨A new exhibition in KS is coming! Our In//Between  #8 Residency Program of KS has just started. On Wednesday we finally...

🎨A new exhibition in KS is coming! Our In//Between #8 Residency Program of KS has just started. On Wednesday we finally met our artists for the first time. During our cozy welcome dinner we shared our stories and got to know everyone. In just one Month they will have a collaborative exhibition with a new theme and new artworks which they'll create in the coming weeks.

🕙Mark the 23rd of September in your calendar, so you won't miss this exhibition created by different artists with unique personalities and different backgrounds.

🙌🏼We will also introduce you to our artists in more detail in future posts: Who are they? What’s their art about?… More stories are to be discovered. If you want to know more about the residency and the artists, don't miss out!

Tomorrow!! Last Chance to see the exhibition „Light Conquers Darkness“ at our Green Hill Gallery.We will celebrate this ...

Tomorrow!! Last Chance to see the exhibition „Light Conquers Darkness“ at our Green Hill Gallery.
We will celebrate this last day with a FINISSAGE & ARTIST TALK. There will be drinks, too ;)
Doors open at 19:00. Entry is free.
Come along and bring your family & friends.
See you there :)


Grünberger Str. 13


Montag 09:00 - 17:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 16:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 16:00
Freitag 09:00 - 17:00




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